编号 | 细胞类型 | 细胞名称 | JCRB编号 | 动物源 | 组织来源 | 简介 |
201 | general cells | Chang Liver | JCRB9066 | human | (liver) | The Chang Liver cell line has been identified historically as a subline of the HeLa. |
202 | general cells | Chang Liver | IFO50016 | human | liver | Hela markers* |
203 | general cells | CHKS-1 | JCRB1890 | dog | liver | Established from hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs. Alpha-fetoprotein producing clonal cell line. |
204 | general cells | CHKS-2 | JCRB1905 | dog | liver | Established from hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs. Alpha-fetoprotein producing clonal cell line. |
205 | general cells | CHKS-3 | JCRB1926 | dog | liver | Established from hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs. Alpha-fetoprotein producing clonal cell line. |
206 | general cells | CHKS-4 | JCRB1920 | dog | liver | Established from hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs. Alpha-fetoprotein producing clonal cell line. |
207 | general cells | CHKS-rL | JCRB1874 | dog | liver | Established from hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs. Primary cell line (unclonned) from the tumor tissue. |
208 | general cells | CHL/IU(IVGT) | JCRB0030 | hamster, Chinese | lung | Chinese hamster lung cells. Standard cell line for chromosome aberation test. |
209 | general cells | CHO(His9) | JCRB2209 | human chromosome-introduced | ovary | contains human chromosome # 9 (MTA with Tottori Univ. is required.) |
210 | general cells | CHO(pMAM-HSluc) | JCRB0136.2 | hamster, Chinese | genetically engineered CHO-K1 cells | pMAM-HSluc transfected CHO-K1, HSP 70B gene promoter and luciferase reporter gene introduced |
211 | general cells | CHO(pMAM-luc) | JCRB0136.1 | hamster, Chinese | ovary | pMAM-luc transfected CHO-K1, luciferase activated by dexamethasone |
212 | general cells | CHO-K1 | JCRB9018 | hamster, Chinese | ovary | subclone of CHO (Chainese hamster ovary) cells |
213 | general cells | CHO-K1 | IFO50414 | hamster, Chinese | ovary | CHO-K1 cells are useful for isolation of nutritionally deficient mutants. |
214 | general cells | CHO-WBL(IVGT) | JCRB1702 | hamster, Chinese | overy | The Chinese hamster ovary CHO cells were originally established as spontaneously transformed cells from an ovarian biopsy by Tijo and Puck. |
215 | general cells | CHO/HGPRT | JCRB0218 | hamster, Chinese | ovary | HGPRT deficient chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. |
216 | general cells | CKT-1 | JCRB0008 | bovine | kidney | useful to assay bovine adenovirus 3 |
217 | general cells | CKT-1 | IFO50003 | bovine | kidney | This cell line is useful to produce and assay bovine adinovirus 3 in vitro. (J. Virol., 16, 621 (1975)). CKT-1 is a clone of CKT. |
218 | general cells | CLAC | JCRB1453 | dog | lung | Canine lung adenocarcinoma cell line including cancer stem cells (0.75%) in sidepopulation (SP). |
219 | general cells | CMK-11-5 | IFO50430 | human | peripheral blood | This cell line posseses more mature characteristics than CMK-86 cells. |
220 | general cells | CMK-86 | IFO50428 | human | peripheral blood | This cell line expresses GPIIb/IIIa. Contains alpha-granule. Contains platelet peroxidase activity. |
221 | general cells | CN46 | JCRB1723 | human | skin | Human fibroblast cell Line with mutation of LDL receptor |
222 | general cells | CoCM-1 | JCRB0257 | human | descending colon | Human tumor cell line of the moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma from descending colon. |
223 | general cells | COLO201 | JCRB0226 | human | colon | adenocarcinoma |
224 | general cells | COLO320 DM | JCRB0225 | human | colon | Human colon carcinoma cell line with double minute chromosomes. |
225 | general cells | COS-1 | JCRB9082 | monkey, African green | kidney | SV40 transformed African green monkey kidney |
226 | general cells | COS-7 | JCRB9127 | monkey, African green | kidney | African green monkey cell line producing T antigen of SV40. |
227 | general cells | COS-7 | IFO50068 | monkey, African green | kidney | This line is a transformant derived from CV-1 cell by origin gene-defective mutant of SV40 virus. This cell line is useful for transfection of expression plasmid. |
228 | general cells | CPA | JCRB9025 | bovine | pulmonary artery | pulmonary artery normal endothelial cell |
229 | general cells | CPAE | JCRB9022 | bovine | pulmonary artery | pulmonary artery normal endothelial cell |
230 | general cells | CPT-K5 | JCRB1067 | human |
| Mutant cell line derived from human ALL cell line, RPMI8402. |
231 | general cells | CRFK | JCRB9035 | cat | kidney | kidney, BVD antigen negative |
232 | general cells | cs-17-25 | JCRB1102 | hamster, Chinese | lung | Temperature sensitive mutant of Chinese hamster lung cell line. |
233 | general cells | cs-19-36 | JCRB1103 | hamster, Chinese | lung | Temperature sensitive mutant of Chinese hamster lung cell line. |
234 | general cells | cs-20-5 | JCRB1104 | hamster, Chinese | lung | temperature sensitive mutant of Chinese hamster lung cell line. |
235 | general cells | CV-1 | JCRB9049 | monkey, African green | kidney | kidney, highly susceptible to SV40 infection |
236 | general cells | Cx43KOM104-E4(+/-) | JCRB1850 | mouse | embryo, whole | Connexin 43 +/- mouse embryo-derived fibroblast cell line. (embryo from Connexin 43 +/- parents) |
237 | general cells | Cx43KOM104-E6(-/-) | JCRB1852 | mouse | embryo, whole | Connexin 43 -/- mouse embryo-derived fibroblast cell line. (embryo from Connexin 43 +/- parents) |
238 | general cells | Cx43KOM104-E7(+/+) | JCRB1855 | mouse | embryo, whole | Connexin 43 +/+ mouse embryo-derived fibroblast cell line. (embryo from Connexin 43 +/- parents) |
239 | general cells | Daudi | JCRB9071 | human | Burkitt lymphoma | lymphoma, Burkitt's |
240 | general cells | DBC1.2 | IFO50484 | mouse | nasal septum | This cell line is likely to be derived from olfactory dark (horizontal) basal cell. Keratin is expressed in this cell line. |
241 | general cells | DD-762 | JCRB1077 | mouse | tumor tissue | Mouse mammary tumor cell line producing MuMTV. |
242 | general cells | De Gin | JCRB9078 | human | skin | osteoporosis, skin |
243 | general cells | delta-47 | JCRB1344 | human | ascites | Human myeloma cell line secreting IgD. |
244 | general cells | Detroit 510 | JCRB9104 | human | skin | Human skin, galactosemia cell line. |
245 | general cells | Detroit 525 | JCRB9102 | human | skin | Turner's syndrome, skin |
246 | general cells | Detroit 532 | JCRB9044 | human | foreskin | Fibroblast line from Down's syndrome patient. |
247 | general cells | Detroit 539 | JCRB9045 | human | skin | Down's syndrome, skin |
248 | general cells | DIG104.10H.1 | JCRB1213.3 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against digoxin. |
249 | general cells | DIG222.4D.5 | JCRB1213.2 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against digoxin. |
250 | general cells | DIG64.2B.5 | JCRB1213.1 | mouse x mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against digoxin. |
251 | general cells | DL-40 | JCRB1337 | human | peripheral blood | Ki-1-positive T-cell lymphoma cell line. |
252 | general cells | DLD-1 | JCRB9094 | human | colon | adenocarcinoma |
253 | genetically-modified cells | DR-EcoScreen | JCRB1630 | mouse | Liver (Hepa1c1c7 cell derivative) | DR-EcoScreen is for evaluation of a rapid in vitro aryl hydrocarbon receptor tarnscriptional activation assay. |
254 | genetically-modified cells | DR-EcoScreen-HS | JCRB1853 | mouse | Liver (Hepa1c1c7 cell derivative) | A cell line for evaluation of a rapid in vitro aryl hydrocarbon receptor transcriptional activation assay. Higher responsiveness to TCDD than DR-EcoScreen. |
255 | general cells | dRLa-74 Clone 2 | JCRB0409 | rat | liver | liver adenoma, (Donryu rat) |
256 | general cells | dRLh-84 | JCRB0410 | rat | liver | hepatoma, (Donryu rat) |
257 | general cells | dRLN-4 | JCRB0418 | rat | liver | liver cell line, 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene induced, (Donryu rat) |
258 | general cells | dRLN-6 | JCRB0420 | rat | liver | liver cell line, 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene induced, (Donryu rat) |
259 | general cells | dRLN-9 | JCRB0419 | rat | liver | liver cell line, 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene induced, (Donryu rat) |
260 | general cells | DSPT200 | JCRB0217 | hamster, Syrian | fetus | fetus fibroblast transformed cell |
261 | general cells | DT40 | JCRB9130 | chicken | bursa lymphoma | avian leukosis virus (ALV)-induced lymphomas |
262 | general cells | E1A-3Y1-1 | JCRB0738 | rat | embryo/fetus whole | 3Y1 derivative, transformed by E1A of Ad12 virus, (Fischer rat) |
263 | general cells | EBC-1 | JCRB0820 | human | lung | squamous cell carcinoma |
264 | general cells | EBTr (NBL-4) | JCRB9038 | bovine | embryonic trachea | embryonic trachea |
265 | general cells | ECV304 | JCRB0744 | human | umbilical cord | Stop providing for the issue of quality control. (Please contact us for more information) Originally this cell line was established as human endothelium cells from umbilical cord but later the cell line was identified to be an EJ1/T24 by STR-PCR analysis |
266 | primary mesenchymal stem cell | Edom22 | JCRB1581 | human | menstrual blood | Human cells deriverd from menstrual blood. |
267 | general cells | EEB | JCRB1846 | human |
| Human cell line derived from erythroblastic leukemia. |
268 | general cells | EGV-4T | JCRB0229 | rat | trachea | immortal cell line from MNNG-transformed tracheal epithelial cells |
269 | general cells | Ehrlich ascites | JCRB9090 | mouse | ascites | Ehrlich-Lettre ascites carcinoma |
270 | general cells | EHS | IFO50268 | mouse | spontaneous tumor | This cell line secretes basement membrane matrix including laminin and type IV collagen. |
271 | general cells | EJ-1 | JCRB0710 | human |
| The cell line EJ-1 was identified to be the same cell line as the T24. |
272 | general cells | EL-4 | JCRB1350 | mouse |
| EL-4 was established from a lymphoma induced in a C57BL mouse by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene. |
273 | general cells | EL-4ad | JCRB1352 | mouse | T-lymphoma | A valiant cell line which adhered to a tissue culture dish was isolated from highly metastatic EL-4 murine T-lymphoma. |
274 | genetically-modified cells | EM-E6/E7/hTERT-2 | JCRB1545 | human | uterine endometrium | Immortalized human uterine endometril progenitor cell line. |
275 | genetically-modified cells | EMC100 | JCRB1538 | human | uterine endometrium | Immortalized human uterine endometrial gland-derived mesenchymal cell line. |
276 | genetically-modified cells | EMC214 | JCRB1544 | human | uterine endometrium | Immortalized human uterine endometrial gland-derived mesenchymal cell line. |
277 | general cells | EMTOKA | JCRB1601 | human | Uterine body | Human cell line derived from uterine carcinosarcoma. |
278 | genetically-modified cells | EPC-1 | JCRB1536 | human | uterine endometrium | Immortalized human uterine endometril progenitor cell line. |
279 | general cells | Ex-3LL | JCRB1349 | mouse |
| Variant cell line possessing enhanced lung metastasis ability derived from Lewis lung cancer (3LL). |
280 | general cells | F119 | JCRB1324 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing F119 MAb against CD307(IRTA2/FcRH5/FCRL5). |
281 | general cells | F2408 | IFO50015 | rat | embryo, whole | Rat fibroblast cell line. |
282 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-14 | JCRB0143.5 | rat | whole body of embryo | EBNA2-transfected, (Fischer rat) |
283 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-16 | JCRB0143.2 | rat | whole body of embryo | F2408 cell line transfected with recombinant plasmid pZE2 with coding region of the EBNA2 and the expression of the EBNA2 was strong in this strain. |
284 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-18 | JCRB0143.3 | rat | whole body of embryo | Rat embryo cell line transfected by recombinant plasmid pZE2 with coding region of the EBNA2. |
285 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-23 | JCRB0143.6 | rat | whole body of embryo | This cell line is one of a series of F2408 rat cell lines with recombinant plasmid pZE2 with coding region of the EBNA2 transfected, but the expression of the EBNA2 was weak in this strain. |
286 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-24 | JCRB0143.4 | rat | whole body of embryo | EBNA2-transfected, (Fischer rat) |
287 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-28 | JCRB0143.7 | rat | whole body of embryo | F2408 cell line transfected with recombinant plasmid pZE2 having coding region of the EBNA2 but the expression of the EBNA2 was weak. |
288 | general cells | F2408 EBNA2 cl-9 | JCRB0143.1 | rat | whole body of embryo | EBNA2-transfected, (Fischer rat) |
289 | general cells | F2408 pZipNeo | JCRB0143.0 | rat | whole body of embryo | F2408 cell line transfected with pZipNeo plasmid alone as a control against pZE2 transfected F2408 cell line series. |
290 | general cells | F2408-B812 | IFO50099 | rat | embryonic fibroblast | HGPRT-deficient line from F2408 (IFO 50015). This cell line exhibits temperature sensitive phenotype for transformation by Moloney MSV. |
291 | general cells | F2408-B993 | IFO50100 | rat | embryonic fibroblast | HGPRT-deficient line from F2408 (IFO 50015). This cell line exhibits temperature sensitive phenotype for transformation by Moloney MSV. |
292 | general cells | F2408-No.20 | IFO50101 | rat | embryonic fibroblast | Thymidine kinase-deficient line from F2408 (IFO 50015). |
293 | general cells | F2408-No.3 | IFO50098 | rat | embryonic fibroblast | HGPRT-deficient line from F2408 (IFO 50015). |
294 | general cells | F2408-No.7 | IFO50102 | rat | embryonic fibroblast | HGPRT-deficient line from F2408 (IFO 50015). |
295 | general cells | F25 | JCRB1323 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing F25 MAb against CD307 (IRTA2/FcRH5/FCRL5). |
296 | general cells | F56 | JCRB1189 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing F56 MAb against CD307(IRTA2/FcRH5/FCRL5). |
297 | general cells | F6B3 | JCRB1571 | mouse | brain | Mouse cell line derived from mouse brain tumor. |
298 | general cells | F9 | JCRB0721 | mouse | testis (transplanted with embryo) | teratocarcinoma, differentiation-inducible, (129/Sv mouse) |
299 | general cells | F9-41 | JCRB0001 | mouse | testis | Mouse testicular teratocarcinoma cell line. |
300 | general cells | FAA-HTC1 | JCRB0249 | rat | liver | hepatocellular carcinoma, 2-acetylaminofluorene induced, (F344/DuCrj rat) |
301 | general cells | FBHE | IFO50154 | bovine | heart | Normal diploid endothelial cells with limited life span. FGF-dependent for survival. |
302 | general cells | FF101 | JCRB1040 | rat | liver | Rat hepatoma cell line with producing unidentified growth factor maintained in serum-free RPMI1640 medium for 444 passages. |
303 | general cells | FHs 74 Int | JCRB9076 | human | small intestine | Human fetal small intestin cells. |
304 | general cells | FLAM-76 | JCRB1346 | human |
| Interleukin-6-dependent human myeloma cell line from an agressive nonsecretory plasma cell leukemia. |
305 | general cells | Flow2000 | IFO50089 | human | lung | Normal diploid fibroblasts with limited life span. |
306 | general cells | Flow3000 | JCRB0068 | human | embryonic brain | normal fibroblast |
307 | general cells | Flow7000 | IFO50079 | human | prepuce | Normal diploid fibroblasts with limited life span. |
308 | general cells | FLS3 | IFO50377 | mouse | liver | This cell line supports B-cell differentiation. (Blood, 77,2612,(1991)). |
309 | general cells | FLS5 | IFO50378 | mouse | liver | Mouse liver stromal cell line. |
310 | general cells | FM3A | JCRB0701 | mouse | mammary gland | mammary carcinoma, spontaneously obtained, (C3H/He mouse) |
311 | general cells | FM3A APRT~ | JCRB0703 | mouse | mammary gland | mammary carcinoma, APRT-deficient FM3A, (C3H/He mouse) |
312 | general cells | FM3A HPRT~ | JCRB0702 | mouse | mammary gland | mammary carcinoma, HPRT-deficient FM3A , (C3H/He mouse) |
313 | general cells | FM3A TK~ | JCRB0704 | mouse | mammary gland | mammary carcinoma, thymidine kinase-deficient FM3A, (C3H/He mouse) |
314 | general cells | FRSK | JCRB0005 | rat | embryo | Fetal rat skin keratinocyte cell line. |
315 | general cells | FS-1 | IFO50477 | human | bone marrow stroma | This cell line produces IL-6 and SCF into its supernatant. Although this cell line was reported as immortalized cell line, the ampoules preserved in the cell bank hardly proliferated. |
316 | general cells | FSthy21 | JCRB0719 | mouse | thymidylate defectiv | complete defective strain of thymidylate synthase, (C3H mouse) |
317 | general cells | FU97 | JCRB1074 | human | stomach | Human stomach cancer cell line with AFP production. |
318 | general cells | G-292 clone A141B1 | IFO50107 | human | bone | osteosarcoma |
319 | general cells | G-361 | JCRB9074 | human | skin | malignant melanoma, skin |
320 | general cells | G-361 | IFO50009 | human | melanoma | This cell line produces melanin. |
321 | general cells | G-401 | JCRB9065 | human | kidney | Rhabdoid tumor of kidney (formerly classified as Wilms' tumor) |
322 | general cells | G-402 | JCRB9070 | human | renal | renal leiomyoblastoma |
323 | general cells | GAK | IFO50321 | human | inguinal lymph node | Human malignant melanoma cell line with the production of 5-S-cysteinyldopa. |
324 | general cells | GAK | JCRB0180 | human | inguinal lymph node | Human malignant melanoma cell line with the production of 5-S-cysteinyldopa. |
325 | general cells | GB-1 | IFO50489 | human | brain | glioma, GFAP, vimentin and fibronectin-positive |
326 | general cells | GCH-nu-YS | JCRB1201 | human | nude mouse-transplanted tumor | Human gestational choriocarcinoma cell line. |
327 | general cells | GH1 | JCRB9046 | rat | pituitary gland | pituitary tumor, somatotrophin-secreting, (Wistar/Furth rat) |
328 | general cells | GH1 | IFO50269 | rat | pituitary gland | pituitary tumor, somatotrophin-secreting, (Wistar/Furth rat) |
329 | general cells | GH3 | JCRB9047 | rat | pituitary gland | pituitary tumor, somatotrophin and prolactin-secreting, (Wistar/Furth rat) |
330 | general cells | GH3 | IFO50105 | rat | pituitary gland | Rat pituitary tumor secreting somatotrophin. |
331 | general cells | GHBP116 | JCRB1226 | mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against human growth hormone receptor (GHBP116). |
332 | general cells | GOTO | JCRB0612 | human | adrenal gland | neuroblastoma, adrenal gland |
333 | general cells | GOTO.P3 | JCRB0612.1 | human | adrenal grand | Serum free cell culture of neuroblastoma cell line. |
334 | virus production cells | GP-1 | JCRB1366 | guinea pig | blood | Guinea pig leukocyte cell line co-infected with HTLV-I and HTLV-II. |
335 | general cells | GP8 | JCRB1198 | mouse | skin | The mouse SV cell line rescued with a human normal behta-galactosidase gene. |
336 | general cells | GP8 | JCRB1198.01 | mouse | skin | The mouse SV cell line rescued with a human normal behta-galactosidase gene. |
337 | general cells | GRSL | IFO50111 | mouse | thymus | thymic leukemia, (GR/A mouse) |
338 | genetically-modified cells | GS-3A4-HepG2 | JCRB1371 | human | Liver | Human glutamine synthetase gene and drug-metabolizing CYP3A4 gene introduced Hep G2 cells. |
339 | general cells | H-1A(H123) | JCRB1548 | mouse | bone marrow | Mouse bone marrow-derived osteoblast-like cell line. |
340 | general cells | H-1D(H162) | JCRB1570 | mouse | bone marrow | Mouse bone marrow-derived osteoblast-like cell line. |
341 | general cells | HAC-2 | JCRB1359 | human | ascites | Human ovary cancer cell line derived from mesonephros. |
342 | general cells | HAC-2 | JCRB1539 | human | ascites | Human ovary cancer cell line derived from mesonephros. |
343 | genetically-modified cells | HAdpc-25-Bmi-1-TERT | JCRB1550 | human |
| Immortalized human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. |
344 | genetically-modified cells | HAdpc-26-E6-Bmi-1-TERT | JCRB1555 | human |
| Immortalized human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. |
345 | genetically-modified cells | HAdpc-28-E6E7-TERT | JCRB1572 | human |
| Immortalized human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. |
346 | genetically-modified cells | HAdpc-29-E7-TERT | JCRB1563 | human |
| Immortalized human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. |
347 | general cells | HARA | JCRB1080.0 | human | pleural fluid | Human lung squamous cell carcinoma with PTHrP expression. |
348 | general cells | HARA-B | JCRB1080.1 | human | mouse bone metastasis | HARA cell (human lung squamouse cell carcinoma) established from bone metastasis in nude mouse. |
349 | general cells | HARA-B4 | JCRB1552 | human | mouse bone metastasis | HARA cell (human lung squamouse cell carcinoma) established from bone metastasis (4 times selection) in nude mouse. |
350 | general cells | HBs128 | JCRB1381 | mouse x mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against HBs antigen. |
351 | general cells | HBs320 | JCRB1380 | mouse x mouse |
| Mouse hybridoma cell line producing monoclonal antibody against HBs antigen. |
352 | general cells | HCA-1 | JCRB1153 | human | lymph node metastasis | Human endocervical adenocarcinoma cell line. |
353 | general cells | HCS-2 | JCRB1203 | human | uterine cervix | Human squamous cell carcinoma from uterine cervix. |
354 | general cells | HCSC-1 | JCRB1205 | human | ascites | Human endocervical carcinoma cell line. |
355 | general cells | HCT-2 | JCRB1362 | hamster, Syrian | spleen | Hamster spleen lymphocytes transformed by human T-cell leukemia virus type I. |
356 | general cells | HD-70 | JCRB1335 | human | peripheral blood | Human Hodgkin's lymphoma cell line of B-cell origin. |
357 | general cells | HE-1 | IFO50297 | human | fetus, whole | Normal diploid fibroblasts with limited life span. |
358 | general cells | HEC-1 | JCRB0042 | human |
| Human endometrial adenocarcimona cell line. (HEC-1-B). |
359 | general cells | HEC-1-A | JCRB1117 | human | uterine corpus | Human endometroid adenocarcinoma, G2 from Japanese female. |
360 | general cells | HEC-1-B | JCRB1193 | human | uterine corpus | Endometrioid adenocarcinoma (G2) from human uterus body. |